Community Welfare Society (CWS) is a registered charitable organization working for the development of economically, socially and educationally poor sections of the society through participatory activities. It has been working in and around Rourkela since 1976. Its members consist of priests, nuns, doctors, engineers, administrators, educationist and social workers. The Society, over the years, has been able to motivate individuals and communities transcending all barriers of caste, religion and gender to work for a common purpose i.e. community development. Presently the organization is working in 84 slums in Rourkela. The activities include providing drinking water facility, promotion of education for children and adults, day care centres, job-oriented programmes for unemployed youth, women’s empowerment and awareness programmes. All the efforts of the Society are directed towards achieving and maintaining the minimum standard of living and helping to inculcate a positive orientation in the lives of people.
In carrying out these programmes the methodology adopted from the very beginning of the Organization was ‘Participatory Development’. Organization always ensured that the beneficiaries took active interest and played crucial role in carrying forward the programmes of the organization.
Presently as the Vision of the Organization indicates - Empowerment of disadvantaged communities living in the slums of Rourkela through formal and non-formal education – we are focussing on Empowerment of masses through Educational, Healthcare and Health Awareness Programmes. For the realization of this vision we are carrying forward various programmes and activities those will bring about the empowerment. In other words all our programmes are aimed at providing formal or non-formal education to the masses and we believe education alone can bring about a social transformation in the Society. Hospital project too has an educational dimension attached to it.

After the completion of the feasibility study, CWS We approached ACME group of architects from Calcutta. A blue print was prepared for 100 bedded hospital for a beginning. The idea was to upgrade it to a 300 bedded hospital in future. They prepared a professionally designed, aesthetically rich, ergonomically premeditated plan for the hospital.
In two years’ time under the able leadership of CWS, the architectural-blueprint of the hospital got implemented and today we have a hospital of which every Rourkelite can rightly be proud of. From its very first day we have been strict about keeping the charges in the hospital affordable for all sections of the society without compromising on the quality of service. Here we do not make the claim that we are providing free treatment to every patient who come. All the same no patient is discharged from the hospital as she or he has no money for completion of the treatment.
After working with people living in the slums of Rourkela over a period of two and a half decades, we in Community Welfare Society realised with great pain how difficult it is for the poor to get quality healthcare facility in Mainstream hospital of the city. Hence CWS began to reflect over the possibility of building a 10-15 bedded Hospital and started a fund raising drive in 1990s. An application was made for a two – acre area from RSP. In the meantime CWS developed a close relationship with Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) of Germany, a famous financial Institution, which lends long term loans to industrial houses. They realizing the usefulness of the project took great and decided to fund it partially. KfW provided a substantial portion of funds for the project through ICICI, Mumbai. Simultaneously successful fund raising campaigns were run by CWS for raising funds from diverse sources. Once flow of funds for the project was in progress, a contract with IIMHR, Jaipur was made to make a feasibility study for constructing the much cherished hospital. The feasibility study suggested that a 10-15 bedded hospital is not financially sustainable as it is intended to cater to the poor classes of society. Hence CWS decided to build a 100 bedded hospital.
The CWS Hospital has unique Layout and is built in a well spread out area. It is properly spaced both inside and outside. It has been designed to provide desired ventilation, illumination, and good greenery all around for creating clean, green & serene atmosphere.
The Hospital made a modest beginning with a team of qualified, experienced, doctor specialists and paramedical staff in 2002. Twelve years of hospital’s life witnessed continuous growth & development characterised by addition of greater facilities and updating of bio-medical equipments. Now CWS can rightly claim to be a well-equipped general hospital.
CWS hospital commenced with fifty beds, added a thirty more in 2005. And then it was increased to ninety in 2008. In the decadal year of the hospital the number of beds in CWS Hospital was increased to 120. Similar manner of growth is visible in technical front too. Addition of Phaco- emulsification machine different auto-analysers bio-chemistry, Spiral CT Scan, etc. Indicates hospital’s commitment to update its facilities on a regular manner.
Hospital is rightly aware of the importance of Housekeeping. So it has hired an agency specialised in the field of housekeeping to keep the hospital spick and span. Every patient who comes to the hospital is appreciative of the clean and immaculate environment. Regarding the Bio-medical waste management too hospital pays sufficient attention.
All the above mentioned facilities are of no use if the hospital is not manned by men and women of great commitment. CWS Hospital is specially blessed with great resources in this regard. We have very good Doctors who are committed to patient care. We are grateful to our Nurses and Para-medical staff who love their profession so dearly and dedicate their life for the sick and suffering. These persons attracts patients not only from Odisha but also from neighbouring states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
The hospital is built here in Rourkela to provide quality patient care. In this venture every person involved is important. In CWS Hospital every employ realises his/her role in serving the sick and suffering. This encouraging factor about employees makes CWS hospital 'a hospital with a difference'.